Marcel Paa - new global ambassador

Marcel Paa - new global ambassador

We are pleased to announce that Marcel Paa is our new Global Ambassador for Wilfa in the D-A-CH region (Germany, Austria, Switzerland) from November 1 2023.

Marcel Paa is a master baker and pastry chef who delights YouTube fans with his creations. In the show "Einfach backen" (Just baking), he shows in detailed videos how bread, pastries and cakes can be made and decorated in a creative way. In the summer of 2015, the future bread sommelier founded his YouTube channel with over 1,000 free videos and now has more than 230,000 followers.

He has a passion for quality and innovation that fits Wilfa's values ​​perfectly. With his many years of experience and in-depth expertise, he will play a central role in the presentation and communication of our product lines towards the D-A-CH region.

- I am very happy to work with Wilfa. I have followed Wilfa's products for a long time and I am convinced of the quality, design and innovation they put into each and every creation. As an ambassador, I look forward to sharing my experience and knowledge and helping to market Wilfa's products throughout the D-A-CH area, says Marcel Paa.

In addition to four award-winning baking books, he offers online courses for hobby bakers and ambitious bakers in the Back Academy. For those who want to experience baking in a real professional environment, courses in his professional bakery can be booked. There, valuable tips and tricks will be shared directly from the expert.

Wilfa's range of Nordic kitchen design is becoming increasingly well known in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. The collaboration with Marcel Paa, a recognized icon in our categories, is a strong indication of Wilfa's desire to continue increasing awareness in the region.

Marcel On his YouTube channel you can find here.

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