Grøtotto - by Andreas Viestad - made in freshly squeezed vegetable juice

Grøtotto - by Andreas Viestad - made in freshly squeezed vegetable juice

Porridge and risotto are two sides of the same coin. Ansreas Viestad makes the luxury version - served with oven-roasted pigeon breast slices (you can also use fried chicken fillet). Instead of soaking the grain in cold water, you give the dish extra flavor and nutrition by using freshly squeezed vegetable juice! Then you must use a good juicer, such as the Wilfa Juicemaster.

Ingredients (4 people)

  • 4 oven-roasted wild game breasts (or 1 large chicken breast)
  • 2 dl whole polished barley groats, soaked for 12 hours
  • approx. 7 dl freshly squeezed vegetable juice (approx. 1 kg of vegetables) (possibly 7 dl water)
  • 2 bay leaves
  • 50-100 g grated cheese, preferably the cheddar from Thorbjørnrud
  • season with salt, pepper and fresh herbs

Vegetables used by Andreas

  • Green bristles from fennel, carrot, turnip, celery root, the leaves of celery root.

How to do it

1. Squeeze vegetable juice from a mixture of root vegetables and cabbage plants in the Juicemaster. How much you get out of 1 kilo of vegetables depends on how watery they are, so you may have to add a little water too.

2. Put the grains in the mixture of juice and water overnight.
The birds can be baked whole in the oven for around 1 hour at 150 degrees, or you can cut out the breast pieces first and pan-fry them with Rørossmør for a couple of minutes. If you use chicken breasts, you must not fry them for too long. They get dry easily. Remember to let the meat rest before slicing it.
Put barley groats and juice in a saucepan, together with bay leaves.
Simmer the groats for about 30 minutes, or until the consistency is soft. Stir a little along the way.

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