Ice cream by Husmorlykke

Ice cream by Husmorlykke

It is easy to make ice cream with an ice cream machine, and the recipe can be used as a basic recipe for ice cream.

Husmorlykke has used a Vanilla ice cream machine. It makes the job easy for both young and old and makes delicious ice cream in approx. 1 hour!

Husmorlykke has used her Vanilla ice cream machine often, and likes it very much, at the same time it has become popular with her youngest in the house who thinks easy to make ice cream and sorbet. You can also add both chocolate and fresh berries if you feel like it. It is also easy to make a delicious milkshake with ice cream machine.

This is what you need

(for 4 servings)

  • 3 egg yolks
  • 3 tbsp sugar
  • 3 dl cream
  • 1 vanilla pod (or 1 teaspoon of vanilla sugar)

How to do it

  1. Separate egg yolks and egg whites
  2. Put the egg yolks in the bowl together with the sugar, cream and the seeds from the vanilla pod. If you don't have a vanilla bean, use vanilla sugar.
  3. Mix everything well together.
  4. Pour everything into the container of the ice machine and let it run for approx. 60 minutes until it has become ice cream.
  5. If you want even firmer ice cream, put it in the freezer, then shape it into balls.
  6. Served in a creamer, in a waffle bowl or on a plate.
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